We have 30+ years of experiances give you better results.


Quality is our top priority. We believe in the saying "Give them quality. That's the best kind of advertising" and that has worked out for us for the past 3 decades.We are committed to achieve growth through total customer satisfaction and global recognition for our products.


Our vision is to be the best company in the manufacturing of Industrial packaging products. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, services, and values so that we make every single customer in our organization to be happy.

Social Policy

We are committed to evolve as a social responsible and ethical enterprise by providing a productive, safe and healthy work for continual human improvement with all applicable legislations adhering toSA8000® standards and ILO conventions.



CEO & Founder

We strive to provide the best packing solutions and services to satisfy the needs of our clients with our well trained, dynamic workforce and state of the art machinery. Incoroporated in 1987, Maris Associates private limited, has a fully integrated FIBC manufacturing facility, with a built area of 40000 sq m,located in Tuticorin,India. Timely response, quality and on time delivery has been our formula success and will always be the core strength of the organisation. We have the vision to be the most sustainable and competitive company in the Industry..

  • Think Big..Dream Big..


Tons of Production capacity


Years of experience


Global clients


Happy workers


We are the 1st FIBC Company to became the member of SEDEX. Supplier Ethical Data Exchange.
• Labour Standard and Human Rights
•Health and Safety
•Environment & Sustainability
•Fair Business Practices

We produce FIBCs for wide range of industries.

Sustainability goals

Delivering innovation


We try to reduce our carbon foot print by banking on renewable energy and planting trees, at the same time play our part in water conservation by recycling used water.


Health & Safety

Safety is one of the highest priorities within Maris Fibc. It is imperative that everyone follows the policies and guidelines to ensure their own safety and the safety of others around them.



We at Maris conduct various programs that focuses on benefiting the communities in which we operate. We do what it takes to make this world a better place for the generations to come.


We carry the world


Our Strength

  • We are south india's first vertically integrated production facility-All accessories required for FIBC's are made in-House.

  • One single integrated complex with a total build up area of 40,000 sq.m with thermal insulation.

  • State of the art machineries with latest technology upgrades in a strcutured plant layout.

  • On time delivery with superior quality.

  • Young,skilled,experienced and commited work force.

  • Complete ERP system that enables us to plan,process and track the workflow and efficiencies of various processes.

  • map


    • ◎ Seiri-Sort

      Eliminate whatever is not needed by separating needed tools, parts, and instructions from unneeded materials.

    • ◎ Seiton-Set in order

      Organize whatever remains by neatly arranging and identifying parts and tools for ease of use.

    • ◎ Seiso-Shine

      Clean the work area periodically.

    • ◎ Seiketsu-Standardise

      Schedule regular cleaning and maintenance by conducting seiri, seiton, and seiso daily.

    • ◎ Shitsuk-Sustain

      Make 5S a way of life by forming the habit of always following the first four S’s by training

    • Benefits of 5S

      Benefits to be derived from implementing a lean 5S program include:
      • Improved safety
      • Higher equipment availability
      • Lower defect rates
      • Reduced costs
      • Increased production agility and flexibility
      • Improved employee morale
      • Better asset utilization
      • Enhanced enterprise image to customers, suppliers, employees, and management.
